Take a blank piece of paper, ideally A2 size, and an ordinary HB or 2B pencil and begin to make marks in the top left-hand corner of the paper. At first make small, short marks, but as you begin to work across the paper start to make them larger, stronger and more varied. Continue to work across the paper and begin to fill it with these gestural marks. Vary the length, density and shape of the marks as much as possible as you draw across the sheet of paper. Perhaps small ‘zones’ of the paper will consist of short, vertical marks, while another area might be formed of curling doodles or small circles. Fill the whole sheet of paper with marks, lines, and shapes, although you may need to sharpen the pencil as you go. It might take some time, maybe a few hours or even a day or two, to completely fill the paper. Don’t try to fill the sheet of paper in one go, you can take breaks and return to the paper over a period of time. The intention of this exercise is to reach the point where you are not thinking about the next mark, but simply enjoy letting the pencil and the marks you have made guide you along with no conscious effort.
When you have finished, and the sheet of paper is filled with detail and variation, take two ‘L’ shaped pieces of card and frame five sections of the paper, about 12-15cm square. Think about the variation of marks, density and visual content of each of the five selected squares. Take photographs of them and give them one-word titles that relate to the emotional or sensational affect you think they have.