For the concept with a musician, I narrowed it down to a pianist, then proceeded to look for multiple photographs with musicians. It took several sketches to narrow down the pose, and I had to combine a couple of photographs because I liked the face from one and the hand from the other. During the sketching, I made a mistake when writing “night” like “might”. I thought the coincidence had potential if done well, so I tried out different ways in which it could be read both ways. In the last sketch, I drew the title in the style of a marquee bulb sign, with the word “might” but with several bulbs out, creating the illusion of “night”. Though in the end, I decided to scrap this idea because “might” itself could have the meaning of “mighty” (which I was going for) or “perhaps” (which I was not going for), and the potential of the title being taken as “perhaps” was a little too unintentionally funny, which is probably best avoided if not entirely deliberate.