Illustration 2: RtaB – Part 4: Contemporary Illustration

14 07, 2022

Part Four Research Points

Online social networks Task: Find online social networks that connect with your work or present content that you’re interested in. Find a range that covers commercial opportunities, professional networking, archived work, learning opportunities, or discussions around illustration. There are [...]

14 07, 2022

Part Four Exercises

Caricature and character Task: Pick a well-known television celebrity or personality who has a public persona on screen that might contrast with their private life or who has a particular reputation – for example, an aggressive interviewer, a philandering sports person or [...]

14 07, 2022

Assignment 4

"You are here" Task: Creatively explore the statement ‘you are here’. Produce either a short self-published fanzine, graphic novel or artist’s book; an online interactive experience; a piece of street art; or an illustrative object. This is a very open brief, so [...]

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