It’s important to have recognizable color pallets for one’s characters, especially if one wants them to be read clearly when they are at a distance or when they’re on small screen. Above are some images with popular characters, reduced only to blobs of color. They are still perfectly recognizable. I am not certain if I managed quite the same iconic levels of design, but I tried my best to keep the colors distinct among themselves and harmonious. I started by using the values I had already established in the previous assignments and then built with color on top of that. I was keeping in mind Morten’s uniform, which had to stay some form of dark blue with red accents, because that’s the Danish uniform of the time and I wanted to keep it. I was also keeping in mind the roles of the characters. Initially, I wanted to stay somewhat true to the original story and keep the color red in Runa’s palette, but it made her look too much like the main character, so I gave it to Verner instead. I liked green on Maia but it is a little too on the nose for a fairy closely related to nature, so I ended up choosing yellow, because I felt it would match her liveliness well.