I was rather relieved to not have to focus on the “old vs. new” theme I had used this building for in the fist exercise. It is a rather beautiful building all on its own, without bringing forward the very shabby mall found in the background. In this composition it has thankfully remained in the background. I did many of the same things I had in the first illustration, eliminating unnecessary details and trying to bring as much focus to the main subject as possible. I did not feel the need to eliminate the cars this time, I thought it was a good moment to bring the “story” of the illustrations into the modern world, especially since there is a glass building on the left, and also plenty of road signs and stoplights.
There are two people in this illustration who are very important to the atmosphere. In the previous illustration I wanted to establish a sense of age and people in modern clothes were not necessarily an aid to that. Here, however, the image enters not only the modern day but the mundane day. The people are just going about their regular business. They don’t even necessarily notice the church. I think a lot of people who pass it don’t, mostly because the Palace of Culture and the Administrative Palace, which are both very impressive and much more optimally positioned, are literally just across the street. I was standing to my back to them as I was drawing this church.