Exercise 3: On press
The decision to print the book and have it bound by someone else made it necessary to research places which would be willing to do so. Big presses were eliminated from the get-go because I would only be printing a single copy of the book, but I also had to find places which had more binding options than spiral binding. Which meant looking for places a little more elaborate than copy shops. After a couple of hours on the internet and taking a trip around town, I narrowed my search down to three places (that I could find, one seems to have disappeared). The first two did have another binding option, however the printing for the cover and the binding would have needed to be done in separate places. But the last option was golden because they did all the printing and binding in house and they had more options with perfect binding and stitched binding as well as the spiral bound style.
Exercise 4: Printing
In this exercise I had to create at least 16 images to experiment with printing.
The way I work best is with a theme, so I chose something simple and very varied: plants. To brainstorm, I created a quick web with various ideas and imagery concerning plants and then used the internet to find some images to start from.
However, since plants are something I can photograph myself, I went outside to collect inspiration from real life. I am no photographer, but by taking the photos myself, I could gather elements that were interesting to me. I also stopped for a while to sketch, though I couldn’t stay long (because it is November and it’s cold), so I had to create some sketches at home. While I was walking around the neighborhood, I also picked up some leaves and other small plant life to include in the project.
Images off the Web
My Photographs
I did some sorting through the photographs before I printed any, to not waste too much toner. And I also edited them, mostly by cropping.
Found Objects
At home, I created more drawings inspired by the found objects. I drew them with pen, overlapped their outlines, made stamps with the leaves, etc. My largest limitation was the lack of color, because my printer lacks color, so there really was no use in working with anything but tone in the first place. I only used yellow for one of the drawings because I needed a tone slightly darker than white, but had no grey pastels.
After I was satisfied with the number of photographs and drawings, I photographed them, took images into Photoshop to put two on a page (because I knew I would be making an A5 booklet) and printed those pages out. Next, cut and sorted them in piles: my own drawings, photographs I thought could stand on their own, photographs that were mostly texture, and photographs that were serviceable but didn’t come out as I thought they would and therefore would need some editing. I had about 42 images to choose from, so this meant I had to discard more than I realized.
Stand on their own
To edit