To have an efficient process in creating this new book project the workflow must be established and followed, if not to the letter at least in general, depending on the type of book created. The process of making something can be occasionally unpredictable, but there are general steps which can be relied upon.
Phase 1: Scoping
Timeframe and planning: what needs to be done, how it needs to be done.
Phase 2: Creating content
Researching subject area. Writing material. Editing text. Sourcing and/or creating images.
Phase 3 Design
Page set-up, page layout, choosing typeface, inputting and arranging text and image elements.
Phase 4: Pre-production
Preparing for print. Saving and storing. Backing up all work. Printing proofs, checking pages, inputting corrections.
Phase 5: Printing and production
Instructing, liaising and sending to printer